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Hey guys!

Welcome to my blog :) I've been infrequently writing this blog for about two years now. It's been super helpful for me to be able to put my thoughts on a page and hopefully someone somewhere has enjoyed reading at least one of my posts!

Enjoy reading and please leave any feedback you have!

Friday, 2 October 2015

Week one as a postgraduate!

Hey guys,

So it's friday afternoon and the end of my first week as a postgraduate student at Loughborough and I think the first thing to note is that I SURVIVED! I know that sounds silly but honestly, I was terrified of starting a new course at a brand new uni, I mean making new friends is always a little daunting.

Being back in a lecture theater felt so right for me although the ratio of international to home students did shock me at first and I won't lie I did feel a little out place. By the end of the lecture the prospect of a group assignment was a little worrying, I'd gone three hours without conversing with another student how was I meant to find four other people to work with?!

Day two and three things got easier, and finally I've met some people who seem like they will not only become good friends but also intelligent allies on my course. Having completed my first week of lectures I'm excited to get deeper into my modules and weirdly nervous yet eager to tackle of all the work that's flooding my way already.

I am fully aware that the next year is going to be incredibly tough but I can't express how reassuring it is to have a routine again and to find myself being challenged again on a daily basis. It's clear, I love education, perhaps too much!

Here's to a year of hardwork with a side dish of fun
U x

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Ah so I've already been a bad blogger, the past few weeks I've been either too busy or too tired to sit down and write this post! Seeing as my little brother, and many of his friends are heading off to Uni in a matter of weeks I thought I'd share my best ten tips for making the most of this life changing experience! There's no particular order to these so read away :)

Be approachable - starting at uni can be one of the scariest life changes ever, everything as you know it disappears so in this moment it's important to remember that everyone is in the same boat! So put on your bravest smile and say hello to that stranger that's about to be your housemate for the next year. Doing little things like leaving your door open whilst you unpack can make a real difference so don't be shy (or try not to be...)!

Budget - this is one thing I didn't exactly succeed in... I cannot stress how much easier your life will be if you don't blow your student loan in the first month, no matter how much you want those new clothes or new gadget, food is more important! I'm not saying be stingy, by all means go out and socialise just make sure you're wise with how you do it.

Try something new - whether it's joining a new sports society or picking up a new hobby this one's probably a given, you should "give it a go". Literally, most societies and clubs will have try it out sessions where you can go along and see if it's for you without requiring any commitment.

Do not forget your home friends - these people stuck with you through your school life and shared so many good times. Some of them will be going through exactly the same things as you, new uni, new life so undoubtedly they'll crave a familiar face or voice. Besides who wants to get home at Christmas time and have no friends...

Take first year seriously - for most you, you'll hear "first year doesn't count" and yes although it won't count towards your degree classification it's stilll essential! Use it as a building ground for all those good habits you need throughout your degree, such as completing assignments asap rather than the night before, figuring out which lecturers to ask for help and familiarising yourself with your floor in the library! On the social side, make friends, find people with common interests it's so important to have a support network. Remember "a problem shared is a problem halved".

Familiarise yourself with your campus and surrounding town - go for a self guided tour! Take an afternoon to discover the hidden gems at your uni, it took me until third year to discover my uni actually had this lovely private garden perfect for summer picnics! It'll make that rush to your 9am lectures just that little bit less horrendous if you know where you're going. Get to know your lecturers and your school office too, they're there to help you so get on their good side when you can.

Be careful - Just remember you've most likely moved to an unfamiliar city, living with strangers. Don't take your personal safety as a joke, make sure someone always knows where you are, don't let strangers into your halls and if you feel unsafe remember there is a network of people there to make sure young people stay safe. Also, on a cynical note you ultimately have responsibility for your own safety whilst your new friends might seem nice enough it's probably best you keep your wits about you.

Tell your mum your family you love them and let them know you're okay. This is one I got completely wrong, first term I got a bit lost at uni and didn't contact my parents for far too long. Unless you count being tagged in facebook photos...

Sharing is (sometimes) caring - this is a phrase my first year housemates and I adopted. I'm not saying go and steal everyone's milk cause that's not cool however, if you get on with people they're much more likely to lend you a slice of bread. Do your weekly online shops together, take it in turns to sign up with everyone's different email addresses you'll get money off each time and if you've each got more than one email then you're winning!

Have fun! Seriously, I know you're there to study and achieve but don't forget to let your hair down every now and again you wont be able to get through years of studying without going a little Brittney or Miley depending on who you prefer haha.

I know a lot of my tips are probably common sense and things you've heard before but hey if you take one tip from this then I'm happy!

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Home is where the heart is, or so they say

Okay so here goes my first real post, be kind.
Anyone who remotely knows me will know that I'm an over-emotional cry baby, this fact coupled with some of the biggest life changes I've experienced have left me a little raw and since I'm now a believer in the "talking helps" attitude I thought I'd share my struggle!
As my undergrad days were drawing to a close I was most certainly petrified of leaving my pals but weirdly enough I wasn't phased by the fact that I'd be leaving the place I'd just spent three of the most important years of my life. It didn't hit me until after graduation, that was it, I had almost no ties to the place I'd avoided calling home for three years. Since then I've taken a couple of trips back and the feeling of "I'm home" incorrectly washed over me as I drove the familiar roads, ate in familiar restaurants and drank in the usual uni bars.
At the moment I'm living at home with my parents, whilst as great as it is to be back something is preventing me from settling. See my issue is that I still haven't fully come to terms with the fact that I'm not going back to uni (how long does it take to accept?!), but also I have high expectations of myself and my future in a years time I'm aiming to be on a graduate scheme based in London and I think the knowledge that I'm only home for a year is holding me back from calling home "home". It's a shame because my family are fab and some of my closest pals are here but I can't fight the overwhelming feeling that I don't belong here.
I really hope I haven't been too depressing, my next blog will be about how much I love nail varnish or something but I just needed to share this!
U x

Friday, 14 August 2015

So I'm 21, I'm a graduate and I guess that makes me an adult! Recently I've been struggling to come to terms with the last fact, as I'm sure many of my fellow graduates are although I am cheating a bit as I'm due to start a Masters degree at Loughborough University...
Since graduating I've felt rather lost, moving back home and practically relinquishing my independence has been quite a struggle. Leading to why I'm starting this blog, not that I want to become "blog famous" but I'd like an outlet to express myself and to keep me sane!
Unlike so many of my lovely organised friends I have not been able to get myself traveled this summer and I'm kicking myself for it. It goes without saying that I'm in love with our rescue cat but recently I've found myself falling in love with the gym and how it helps me to increase my strength. I gave the gym a go about a year ago and although I enjoyed it I unfortunately didn't manage to keep it up so this is really my second shot and so far so good! I not aiming for crazy results I'd just like to tone up and build some upper body strength as I'm a complete weakling and always have been.
What else do I do apart from the gym? Currently I'm working in two different retail jobs both of which fuel my clothes addiction, more on that to come.
Here's what you can expect from me, lighthearted updates about my life, my new clothes, and other (interesting) tidbits!
U x